Cajun Man would be proud…
I’m into the “tion”s these days.
Aggravation – as in, I get aggravated when I’m not feeling like the machine is churning behind me musically, especially when I’m giving a LOT like I was at the Light Bar last Saturday night.
Frustration – from having a complete night of clusterfucks.
Dehydration – having nothing to do with alcohol, but purely based on too much heat – no matter how much water I drank, I still felt like diarrhea the next day.
Remuneration – or more accurately, not much remuneration for all our troubles.
Destination – or perhaps…
Vacation – as in, it’s time for me to have one, and it’s good that the band has a break so we can get our crap together.
Circumnavigation – feeling like you’ve circled the “globe of emotions” in the course of one show.
Creation – I wrote part of a song…but just part, but it was still new and creative.
Isolation – I need some sometimes. I get really short and snippy if I don’t get it.
Recreation – taking the kids for a swim Saturday was actually quite awesome.
Violation – talking about other band members on here isn’t kosher with “band code”, but I was really frustrated by their performances Saturday night – I love ’em to death, truly, but I felt like I needed to get Casey angry so she’d actually hit the drums with some power (it just seemed really weak up on stage – I hope it was more “together” out front), and I wanted to get Ned some replacement nerves, because apparently the ones connecting his brain and hands (and his thinking and memory) weren’t working all that well Saturday night.
Conflagration – could be something that happens from my brash honesty on here.
Migration – moving to a new drummer will make things a lot different for this band, which isn’t a bad thing.
Satisfaction – that I used “tion” more than anyone probably should.