Vocal problems
I just can’t control my voice, because there’s so much phlegm and crap down deep in my throat – it’s like I can’t clear it. The break in my voice used to be easy to manage, and now I have no idea what it’s going to do. It’s like my voice is changing all over again.
I don’t know if it’s allergies or what, but it’s annoying. I need to see the doctor.
Grit never hurt before, now it does.
Anyway, I’m sure there’s a scientific explanation for my vocal maladies…and if I have time, I’ll be sure to have it checked out. It is getting a little better, so hopefully I’ll be back to normal soon. I just hate sounding like this – it makes me feel like I’ve taken a 10-year step backward in my vocal abilities.
Sorry, had to vent. 🙂
Next show is in Killeen, Texas – The Duckhorn with Roman Holiday (not that anyone actually reads my blog…)