2013: The Year Of Promise
SO…hello, faithful denizens of Schizoland. I appreciate the time you give to this blog. I know I don’t demand much of you because I almost never write here. I think this year will be the year that changes that. Recording my feelings about my life as a musician on a regular basis will give me some stability and perhaps even a little discipline.
A few major happenings in my life as a musician…I haven’t been gigging at all since I left Capital Suspects. Roman Holiday had literally one show after August, which really rocked. The good part about all this is that there has been a lot of turmoil in other aspects of my life, so having nothing going on in music land was very timely.
So on to 2013…”The Year Of Promise”
Roman Holiday WILL be coming back in 2013 so long as Mr. Ned still wants to do it (I already know Mr. Lee is most certainly in). In addition to that, there exists potential for a few DEADLY power trios involving your humble servant (me) coming to rip your local venue apart. Most likely at least one will involve some really great rocking music. I’m also finally going to get my acoustic act going after 10 years of talking about it. I’m dubbing it “The Musical Schizo” and will hopefully be securing some sort of regular gigs at venues near my home (so my friends down here in South Austin can come see me). It may or may not be just me or me with someone else…but I guarantee it will be both diverse, familiar, and very fun.
I make no promises about original music this year outside of stuff with the power trios, because I’m converting the home studio into a bedroom for my boy. Hopefully by summer I’ll be able to have something to replace it squared away (perhaps an air-conditioned space in the garage).
So please root for me this year. I need all the help I can get to make “The Year Of Promise” be more than just promise. And thanks for reading, and Happy New Year!