Museday Mumblings (Vol. 3): Setting Appointments, Working Out Logistics…

Museday Mumblings (Vol. 3): Setting Appointments, Working Out Logistics…

I’ve heard people say you can’t schedule creativity. And they are correct, I think, but I do think if you set aside time to be creative on a regular basis, it definitely helps create things. I didn’t have time this week to really get any of my creative things done the way I wanted (hence the Museday Mumbling coming out basically at midnight on Wednesday night). And there are other issues, of course.

I still have to figure out the logistics of how to make the Friday Flush happen, because the only suitable bathroom in my current house gets crazy bright in the afternoon BEHIND where I’d be sitting and singing, so the lighting is terrible. I can’t record once the baby is in bed, because it’s too noisy. That leaves mornings (when I’m almost 100% trying to work and take care of baby at the same time), and then baby’s nap, when I can’t be noisy either. So you can see it’s a challenge. I’m going to have to carve out time on weekends to get it done. It will happen. For now I have one other singing video from a while back (might be 10 years ago, actually) that was banked and never released. I’m not sure why I decided not to release it, but I really like it now, so it’ll be Friday Flush Episode 2, likely released this coming Friday, as a sort of “holder” for when I figure out the Friday Flush logistics. I might end up turning it into something different, where I’m not recording in a bathroom. We’ll have to see.

Anyway, the point is, the road to regular creation is so far sort of a rocky one, but I’m doing my best. I have some neat ideas and I should be executing at least a few of them this week while I’m off work. Please bear with me, and head over to my YouTube and subscribe and ring the bell so you get notified when I do release the videos.

Thanks for your time, and keep an eye out here. I think there’s some good stuff on the way, and on a more regular basis! 🙂


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