Museday Mumblings (Vol. 12): I Did A Thing!
So Chandler and The Bings’ new song came out last Friday, and we’re all terribly proud of it. It really captures the overall essence of the band, though with the notable exception of not enough Alon mojo on the song. (Our next two should take care of that missing element.)
Now that it’s done and out in the world, I also created another thing to go along with it. I shared it with the boys, and am posting it here only because few people read this, and the ones that do are generally people I trust.
It’s a little video taking you through the song from a bass perspective, with some additional commentary. It’s more of an experiment than anything, but I figured I’d share it here, because I DID A THING. Yes. Created something. And it wasn’t terribly hard to do, which was nice.
I hope you enjoy it, and I hope that this blog finds you safe and healthy. C U Next Museday!
Black Lives Matter. Wear your mask. Physically distance. Wash your hands. Lead with love.
And peace be the journey!