Museday Mumblings (Vol. 41): Sometimes There’s No Time

Museday Mumblings (Vol. 41): Sometimes There’s No Time

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.” – Robert Burns

Translated, that basically means the best-laid plans often go awry. And that sums up my week of March 1st.

I had plans to do a little live-stream concert, shoot my first video in what would be a series of me talking about my guitars, maybe shoot a Bathroom Schizo song or two, get all the tempo-mapped songs for Chandler and The Bings edited and distributed to the band, and I couldn’t even manage to write a Museday blog. Life did its very best to intervene in every imaginable way this week.

Seems like my toddler has decided to enter the “terrible twos” three weeks before he turns three. Meltdowns, irrational whining…you know – the good stuff. So that’s left me little energy to do anything. Plus as I’ve said before, I spend all day in front of my computer for my work. Since it’s likely most of the videos I’d shoot would be in the studio, my energy for spending another minute in there after working in there all day is basically zero. It’s a shame, too, because it’s a great space for it, with my guitars hanging on the wall as a good backdrop for everything. It’s super convenient, too, as I already have cameras set up that I use for work Teamsing and Zooming. But not this week. Two days working until 7:00 because of workload. I’d rather be anywhere else. So that knocks out most of those issues except the blogging.

And unfortunately, I’m just going to have to punt on having any sort of interesting topic to muse on, except to say that life really doesn’t give a shit if you have ideas about how you’re going to be living it sometimes. Sometimes it just lives you. (In Mother Russia…life lives you!)

In big-picture news, I’m optimistic about the numbers in the pandemic, and looking forward to this all being over soon. No matter what my dipshit governor says, we all still need to wear our masks and stay safe. Get vaccinated as soon as you can, and we can all get back to life on the planet and give each other hugs.

Walk with kindness, and may peace be the journey!

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