Museday Mumblings (Vol. 48): In Honor of 4-20…The Drugs Post
So, I’m a pretty atypical musician, I think.
I didn’t get into it for approval from women or anyone, I am not too precious to basically do anything related to music, and I’ve never done drugs.
Yes – you read that correctly. I’VE NEVER DONE DRUGS. Not even weed. (Sorry, 4:20 crowd…)
Now, you might think that it’s because I have some sort of puritanical attitude about them, but that’s definitely not it. I’m super cool with people doing drugs. Whatever gets you through. Just don’t let it screw up your life or your performance. Don’t kill yourself, don’t hurt anyone else, and don’t fuck up my show. Outside of that, have fun.
I’ve had my share of alcohol over the years, but since I kind of hate wine and hard alcohol and my body doesn’t metabolize it correctly anyway, it’s like I have a built-in regulator to prevent me from being a regular drunk.
As far as all the other drugs go, though, for years I’d say “I’m weird enough without them – no need to add to my craziness.” Then I had kids, and it was “I’m a dad – it’s not about me anymore, so I shouldn’t.” The truth was, I was afraid of the drugs not being exactly what they were supposed to be (being cut with something else in some way), and afraid of being caught with them and having that mark on my record. So I had cute excuses, but the truth was, I was just scared.
When my big kids were old enough, I started to warm to the idea of at least trying marijuana, but many years ago I made a promise to my brother Rob that if I was going to get high, the first time had to be with him. So I didn’t and haven’t yet.
I guess time will tell if I ever do get high, but at my age it kind of seems a little pathetic to take the risk, what with my just-barely-three-year-old running around.
So me and drugs might have to wait until I need them for glaucoma or something…
I still find it hilarious that most people simply can’t believe I’ve never done drugs, looking the way I do, but it’s true. I may present as a bearded Jesusy hippie guy, but that’s just a love and peace thing for me – no chemical modification required.
Sidestepping into current events:
– I hope that fucker rots for the murder and the sentence is stiff. Black Lives Matter.
– Don’t abandon precautions when it comes to coronavirus – we’re not out of the weeds yet. Get a goddamn jab and help protect everyone and prevent nasty variants.
– Be kind to each other, and get the facts before you state an opinion.
Peace be the journey and don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know.”