Monday Moanings (Vol. 1): I CAN’T HANDLE IT! Also: PURPLE!!!
All I want is for people to do their jobs, for the systems to function as they are designed, and for everything else to get out of the fucking way. Is that too much to ask?
Yes, Brian. It’s way too much to ask. That’s not how things work at all. You’re like that lady in the insurance ad with all the pictures tacked to her wall and her friend comes over and tells her, “that’s not how this works…that’s not how any of this works…!”
That is me.
Of course, not really, because I’m fully cognitively aware of the fact that most things are beyond my control and thus not worth fussing over. But that doesn’t stop my dumb-dumb lizard brain from getting all mad about it.
This isn’t actually going to be a series, by the way. I just happened to be sitting at my computer and thought it might be fun to write something about how today went for me. I should be over the moon of course, since I managed to score a new guitar over the weekend that I like A LOT. TIME TO SHARE THE PURPLEY GOODNESS!

So now I feel better sharing the purpley goodness with you and I can get back to normal. I have to change a poop diaper now. See y’all tomorrow or so when I do my regular musing.
2 thoughts on “Monday Moanings (Vol. 1): I CAN’T HANDLE IT! Also: PURPLE!!!”
Furthermore, I remember talking myself out of buying one when they were released because I already had a JTV-69 and a JTV-59. I am now regretting it. If you ever wanna trade for a black JTV-59 let me know. 😉
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