So since the last time we talked…

So since the last time we talked…

…I’ve had spurts of being busy but mostly have been doing almost nothing musically. I played a solo show back in early July, and before that was filling in with Capital Suspects and Chandler here and there. All that was fun. Then at the end of July I took my annual trip back to Florida and played a reunion show with my old band Slaphappy. It was a really fun experience playing with the fellas again, and I’ll post audio from it at some point.

When I returned from vacation I quickly booked two solo shows in August, which went pretty well (though the first of the two was a really tough one because it was outside in the August heat). I have another show coming up on September 26th and I’m quite excited about that one because I’m adding a bunch of songs to the repertoire. I’m also making sure I don’t forget to play more of my original songs in there. It should be a really fun show, so if you’re around, come see me in Round Rock at 121 On Main that night – I start at 8pm and play until 11pm.

I also went to see an amazing show at Threadgills – Travis Larson Band opening for The Aristocrats. It was an amazing night of melodic (and sometimes very unmelodic) shredding. SO MUCH TALENT…

The next phase of the musical life of Le Schizo will involve continuing to grow my acoustic solo show thing, which I’m really enjoying, and starting to properly record some of my own music. I’ve said it over and over again on here, but now is truly the time for me to make it happen. I’m going to reconfigure my home studio to make it more amenable to easily getting the ideas down in the computer and really get good tracks recorded. I’ll get the best stuff done first, but then go through and record everything that’s at some level of completeness so they’re all updated with my current level of competence.

That should make for some exciting times on this site. Hopefully getting the studio together will inspire me to create NEW songs that relate more to my experience over the past few years, since I feel there’s a lot of “songwriting potential energy” there that hasn’t been spent. But we shall see.

I told a friend of mine recently that creatives create because we have to…and it reminded me how much of a I really have not been a creative in the songwriting sense. It’s come to the point where I actually cringe when I refer to myself as a songwriter. It is a fact that I have written songs, but it is not a fact that I write them. I haven’t really written or recorded one in a long time – I did fashion a chord progression into a song experiment back in late November of last year, but that’s been it. I haven’t even been writing music, though I’ve been playing guitar all the time at home.

Not much more to report. If you read this and can come, please check out my show on 9/26. I’ll make an event post soon on the ol’ Facebook page, as well as the dedicated page I have set up for the solo acoustic thing.


Take care, be nice, and be happy!


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