Update for March
So things have been humming along for me with Chandler and The Bings. Confidence with my vocals is constantly improving thanks to more consistent IEM mixes (and the $50 KZ ZS6 quad-driver earphones have made a MASSIVE difference). The band keeps having fantastic, fun shows, and gaining new fans, and it’s all pretty amazing. I’m very grateful for all of it – my bandmates, our venues, our fans – it’s just delightful.
I never did pull the trigger on that Stingray. I figured it was kind of silly to spend that much money on an instrument when the $329 bass I’m using does everything I want, essentially. I might just snag another one of these to have on hand as a backup. I love my Carvin basses, but the Stingray sound is just much more appropriate for this band. It’s changed my playing in a good way, too, since I’ve lightened up my touch it’s a lot easier on my hands.
As for my own stuff, well, as usual, nothing is happening. Though I had planned to do it, I haven’t made any new Bathroom Schizo videos. I did get a new phone that is likely to make my videos look even more awesome once I record some.
I don’t know how to get back to a creative place where it comes to getting the ideas and concepts in my brain that I’d like to turn into songs OUT of my brain and into lyrics and melodies. It’s kind of writer’s block. I mean, really, no new songs have been written since the end of 2015. ZERO. Longest drought since I’ve become a songwriter. I’ve got a few little chord and melody ideas that end up in my voice recorder on my phone, but nothing gets fleshed out because nothing ever makes that transition. I think the sleep deprivation of having a baby under one year old isn’t helping, so I’m going to forgive myself for now. But I need to start organizing my days better for my physical and mental health, and when I do that, I need to carve out at least 30 minutes a day to devote to creativity.
Thanks for reading, and come check out the band sometime. We’re a hoot. www.chandlerandthebings.com
Peace be the journey…