Museday Mumblings (Vol. 4): Black Lives Matter

Museday Mumblings (Vol. 4): Black Lives Matter

Words are hard right now. My heart is broken, not that it hasn’t been for a long time on this topic. But the way police agencies are responding to peaceful protests, with military action and violence, is disgusting and makes me ashamed.

I realize this blog is about music, but I haven’t been able to really think of music with the shit state of the world right now. Police need to weed out the “bad apples” IMMEDIATELY and start implementing the changes in training, de-escalation, and disciplinary actions that they so desperately need. Communities need to take social aspects of policing off their plate and let them focus on real crimes.

Black Lives Matter. And fuck you if you’re still saying all lives matter in response. You’ve been told what it means, and if you still don’t accept it, you are a garbage person.

I hope every violent cop who started these police riots (that’s what the majority of them are – police departments’ overzealous use of force is what made them happen) gets prosecuted for their crimes and loses their job.

No more bullies as cops. No more dumb people as cops. It’s time to take the power away from them, because they’ve shown they’re not worthy of it anymore.

Black Lives Matter. Acknowledge your white privilege. Stand for change. Vote our piece of shit President and all his lackeys out of office in November.

Next Tuesday will be back to normal musical programming, probably. I do have a lot to talk about on that front. Just not now. Not this week. My heart can’t keep my feelings on this topic to myself anymore.


Peace to all.

P.S. STAY THE FUCK HOME. This COVID-19 shit isn’t over. If you must go out for a good reason, like a peaceful protest, follow the guidelines for being out in the world. Wear a mask. Social distance. Wash your goddamn hands. Thank you. I don’t want you to die or to kill anyone because you were careless (or selfish).

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