Museday Mumblings (Vol. 8): Time Accelerates
I’ve been trying so hard to get through all this mess with my health and sanity intact that meeting my arbitrary deadline for content creation for this site apparently isn’t possible right now I guess because I was late last week and Friday was a holiday I got all screwed up. Anyway…
One of my personal musical heroes is mastering our first Chandler and The Bings single. I’m going to take a crack at it myself, too. I really think people will dig it, and it’s just the start. Plans are to start recording a bunch of our more clever tunes in the studio for release. I’m excited. But I do miss playing live. I think we need to plan a livestream gig at some point, too. I can’t believe how long it’s been since we last played a real show. Good shit is coming, though, either way.
I decided to upgrade my studio machine after my graphics card took a crap on me and one of my favorite plugins decided to abandon Windows 7. Thankfully I had a “good enough” card laying around so I could still work, but it’s not quite enough to properly display my iZotope plugins in REAPER, so that’s been a challenge. New machine promises to be a MAJOR upgrade for me, so I’m pretty excited. It’ll be best buds with my laptop, which is still doing great.
Nothing large or philosophical this week. Black Lives Matter. Wear a fucking mask. Be good to people and yourself.
…and peace be the journey!