Museday Mumblings (Vol. 37): PRODUCTION and Performance

Museday Mumblings (Vol. 37): PRODUCTION and Performance

Right now Chandler and The Bings has been working on improvements to our live show, even though we haven’t played a live show in almost a year.

That may seem sort of silly, but after the lukewarm receptions to basically all our efforts last year once the pandemic started, was clear to us investing in the show, which is the foundation of why the band even exists, is the best use of the limited time we have.

It has been TOUGH for all of us to have time at the same time. We’ve managed three rehearsals – only one of them “formal” (at a rehearsal studio). And though they have all been productive, it’s been an interesting adjustment because we’re kind of fundamentally changing the WAY we play all our songs to enable us to better integrate “big show” elements into the production. Not backing tracks or anything, but PRODUCTION. Which makes certain members of the band very happy. Me, I could go either way. I’m perfectly happy being the way we’ve been, but also excited to try to take it to the next level. Going with the flow and being a good teammate.

The good thing is, there’s a lot of cool shit possible in the future, once we deal with this pandemic shit. I’m just hoping all our “homes” are still around once capacity returns to bars.

I did decide that I’m going to do a livestream concert soon. Definitely within the next two weeks. I’m going to just pop on the mixer/cameras and have at it. It’ll be fun. Once I’ve determined when, I’ll have events out.

Not much else to report in MusicalSchizo-land. No new music. Maybe I’ll finally record some bathroom stuff. Hmmm….Let’s see how the live show goes. Maybe I’ll go crazy and livestream FROM THE BATHROOM. That’d be insane. Or would it?

Stay safe, wash your hands, stay home, physically distance, call your family, hold criminals accountable, put country over party, and don’t forget: Black Lives Matter.


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