NUDGE Me Back To Guitar

NUDGE Me Back To Guitar

Crap grammar aside, it’s my silly way of saying that I have joined a new band – and I’m back on guitar! Yes, I have joined the local 90s-and-more cover band Nudge ( as guitarist/vocalist. This is big because I haven’t played guitar in a band on any sort of regular basis since my days in Dial-9…and that was over 8 years ago! I’m very excited. I played a great show with them Friday night on minimal rehearsal and it seemed to come together really easy. I look forward with what we’ll be able to accomplish.

Regular readers of this blog might wonder what’s going on with the project I was putting together with Lee – that’s still likely to happen in some form. It will be worked around the new band and hopefully with it I will continue to get to sing a lot of lead (sharing with Lee, of course) and play bass, because I know that’s an itch that I will need to scratch.

For now, I have a lot of guitar to play and a lot of songs to learn. But it’s totally worth it.

Check out and come see a show. And have a great June!

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