Track List
I’m embarking on a new quest in the land of The Musical Schizo. Collecting my songs into groups that will be assembled as albums. Yes. I’m making track lists for forthcoming releases!
Which means there’s actual PLANNING going on in original-music-creation-land.
The first list I’ve made is a compilation of my songs on love, loss, and relationships. I was going through my list of saved text files and demos from the songs I’ve written over the years, and realized there’s a solid trend in a bunch of them – both thematic and musical. So I collected those songs and decided that they will comprise my first compilation of my music. There are a few in there that are good, some that are marginal, and some that need lyrical work, but the good thing is, most are almost completely arranged and ready to go. This means that work on the first record for yours truly (The Musical Schizo) has begun in earnest.
If you follow my social media (and if you’re reading this, I’m sure you probably do, since actual websites are the “deep cuts” these days), you’ll know that I said that new stuff is coming soon. That was more me hoping out loud. I had some ideas for what I wanted to accomplish, but nothing that was really materializing – I think I was more trying to encourage myself to actually get something out there and create because putting a message like that out compels one to action. Or it should, at least.
So, here begins the process of finishing up the songs and getting them properly recorded for inclusion on my first record. I’m sure my buddy Dennis C. Miller will be thrilled that I’m finally doing something. He’s been bugging me about it for years.
Life in general is very good, and things with the Bings are fantastic. I just switched up my bass rig so that the Helix takes center stage, and I’m very pleased with the results. As much as I love my GK amp I bought a while back, it just wasn’t really working all that well in context, largely for reasons out of my control.
Take care, all and look out for “The Musical Schizo Loves And Loses”, coming to a digital distribution network near you sometime in 2018 if all goes well.