Museday Mumblings (Vol. 55): HOLY SHIT WAS THAT FUN!

Museday Mumblings (Vol. 55): HOLY SHIT WAS THAT FUN!

I gently apologize for the profanity in the title, but nothing short of that sort of raw emotive speech would properly express how great Chandler and The Bings show at Speakeasy was last Friday. Of course, it didn’t start off that way for me. I was a damn mess.

So I came up with this great plan on placing cameras to get good video of the show, which we anticipated would be pretty well-attended since it was our first show in Austin since February of 2020. Well, nothing I was trying was working right. We were down a camera because of circumstances (trying to gig on a Friday when you have a day job is less than fun and everything is rushed), and my GoPro was being weird (mostly operator error, unfortunately). I didn’t have enough time to get it all together and finally decided to just quit because I knew if I spent another minute trying to make it all come together I would have a terrible show. I was on the brink of tears and rage because I felt like I’d completely failed my bandmates and squandered an opportunity to capture something really special. The latter of which turned out to be true, unfortunately. It was really special.

WE KILLED IT. Filled the place. Kept most of the crowd for most of the night. I mean, the place was 2/3 full even during our last set. It blew our minds. Of course, listening to the recordings I made (didn’t fail in the audio department, at least…), there was some glaringly bad playing and singing, but it wasn’t most of the time, and most could be attributed to nerves or rust (which is pretty inevitable considering how little time we’ve had for rehearsal). Despite the occasional suckage, we brought the rock. And people sang along ALL NIGHT. It was your standard pre-pandemic CATB show. And it filled all of our hearts in ways we never expected. Seeing all the familiar faces was amazing. I had multiple friends show up who I hadn’t seen in years even before the pandemic (one who was in town from UTAH, even!) The only thing bad about it was that I didn’t get to spend enough time with them because I was on stage. But they all had a great time, from what I understand, and some who hadn’t seen me play before couldn’t believe how good I was, which was really nice to hear. I think. 🙂

We had professional shots done by The Vinyl Lens (super nice guy – hire him). Even though I was sweaty and looked fairly horrible because I’ve gained some poundage in the past year, and there’s even a picture that makes me look like I’m balding (I’m pretty sure I’m not), I’m still psyched that we had them done because we have some great shots in there.

Just wish I had some video…BUT ANYYYWAY…

It was a wonderful night, and I’m so glad I got to share it with my brothers in the band and all our wonderful friends and fans that came out. That’s all for now. Have a great rest of your week!


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