Museday Mumblings (Vol. 74): BACK OFF THE BOAT!

Museday Mumblings (Vol. 74): BACK OFF THE BOAT!

I am no longer in Yacht Z.

Nothing but love to the members of the band.

There was a personality clash with one member of the band, and it was just easier for life in general for me to disembark. Interpersonal relationships are often the hardest thing about making an ensemble come together. I am so thankful that I’ve been in SO MANY bands where we all got along and had each other’s backs without any ego trips or bickering. Makes the music that much easier, and the shows that much more fun.

The best result of this little development is I have more time for everything else in my life, because these songs were HARD and TIME-CONSUMING TO LEARN. My solo show will benefit from this extra time, so you should come check me out at 360 Uno every first Saturday of the month! I’ll have at least FOUR new songs at the next show, and probably more because I want to shake it up some.

As for other things, I’m doing more tinkering to the studio setup to integrate more things and make everything work together better, so once that’s all done I’ll take some photos and post them here. Should be about a month or two. I still haven’t edited the livestream from the 360 Uno show, but it really wasn’t that great a show anyway, so I’m not going to share it. I have the show prior to that one which was a barn burner, so I’ll probably put that one together with the super-clean audio I recorded and release some clips from that.

And the aforementioned BeatBuddy Mini 2 went back. It just wasn’t for me. It’s cool, though. The full-size BeatBuddy is probably more my speed, but it’s too much for me. I should just learn how to use Ableton.

Take care, stay cool, and stay healthy out there…

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