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Tape Don’t Lie

Tape Don’t Lie

With apologies to (and endless admiration for) Shakira’s hips, there’s another thing that don’t lie: Tape. If one ever wants to be made to feel like you’re nowhere near the musician or singer you think you are, you need to record yourself. Humbling is GOOD. But it’s also NOT FUN.

I pulled a multi-track recording off the Allen & Heath QU-16 mixer that me and the other Bings were playing through, and HOLY FUCKING SHIT.


My lead vocals and bass playing aren’t terrible for most of the show. They have suck moments, and are often mediocre rhythmically, but my backing vocals are almost all terrible.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m sure casual listeners of music might not notice most of the suckage, but when you reach a certain level of knowledge and understanding of music, you really hear all the warts. There were many times we were performing this same list of songs where I thought something was off, and often I could pinpoint it, but I had never really recorded something that isolated all our performances like a multi-track recording. Talk about brutal honesty. There are times in life when you are blind to your own fetid stench. You get used to it, so you don’t smell it. It’s like I didn’t have a nose and the mixer gave me one. I really thought I was doing an okay job. It didn’t sound awful in my in-ear monitors (which tend to be very revealing of flaws), so I had no idea.

In times like these, my first impulse is usually to quit, because I’m horribly embarrassed that I put that chunge out there in front of people. I always want to impress, because it makes people happy (and usually they express that happiness by saying something nice to me about my performance). Fortunately, my next impulse after wanting to hang it all up is usually SOLVE THE PROBLEM. In this case, the problem is my crap-ass, out-of-tune backing vocals. I’m going to have to go through the parts and learn them right and then practice them over and over so they’re just in my muscle memory. I’m also going to do my faux custom molds for another set of in-ear monitors I own because I think that the lack of overall clarity in the ones I’m using might be contributing to the suckage. I’m not blaming the tools, but I definitely want to be more aware when I’m stinking up the joint. Maybe better monitors is the key.

The recordings also reveal a lot of flaws in my bandmates’ performances, too. Taken all together, it actually doesn’t sound horrible, but if I decide to do something with these recordings other than make myself sad, there are definitely times when I’ll be either re-recording or simply removing failed attempts at harmony and other mistakes.

The moral of the story is record early and record often, and don’t be discouraged. Turn your discouragement into encouragement. You CAN learn those parts. You just have to put in the time and effort. I know in my lead singer days I’d record stuff, notice parts where I was straining for a note and took the time to work out how to do that more effectively. I think it might be time to get back into that habit. I also think that you, loyal reader, should do the same if you are a performer of any kind. Don’t be afraid of the tape, and don’t have so much of an ego that you can’t be open to SUCKING HARD sometimes. We all fall down. It’s how we get back up that matters.

I believe musicians in bands that do interpretations of classic songs and aren’t trying to be “note perfect” should be brave and try things. We definitely do a lot of that in Chandler and The Bings, since generally we care more about playing a fun show than being “perfect”. I remember reading an interview with Edward Van Halen where he talked about his philosophy on taking risks musically and jamming – he said it’s all “falling down the stairs and landing on your feet”. I have always tried to follow this philosophy, and there have been times that it’s worked out and times when it’s been awful. Since the band isn’t purely an improvisational experience, and there are defined things I need to be doing, it doesn’t directly apply, but the way I approach my bass playing on the songs is definitely adventurous and I’m very proud of it most of the time. In these contexts, I do generally fall down the stairs and land on my feet. I am not as skilled a backup singer as I am a bassist, though, so I think I need to spend a little more time on the basics of singing backups so that when I do go for it, my percentages get higher. Most of the big swings for backing vocal stuff at the show were misses. The bigger problem was how often my defined parts were misses.

I was going through the songs, and there were so many times I was off it was disheartening. When I sang lead, I pretty much killed it (pretty much), but so many times I tried to get in when Pat or Alon were singing, I was off. I hate that. I don’t want to be the piece that’s making things sound like shit. I want to be the piece that makes everything come together and sound AWESOME. So it’s time to put in some work. And I better do it quickly – I’ve got a baby coming in a few weeks.

I’m looking forward to being a smoothly lubricated, quiet wheel instead of the squeaky one I am right now. Practice will be the grease to get me there. And the fact that the “tape don’t lie” got me to notice I need some work.

Thanks for reading, and come see us Chandler and The Bings fellas sometime. I’ll be singing better.


Musings from my new machine

Musings from my new machine

My 44th birthday is next Saturday. I officially am starting to feel old. My lovely fiancee decided that she wanted to do something super nice for me for the occasion, so she purchased a really nice 2-in-1 laptop for me, which is the “new machine” mentioned in the title of this post. Even better, she decided to let me have it early! I am so excited because this allows me to take any sort of productions I’d like to do portable. It’s got more than enough power to do everything I need, recording-wise, and it plays nice with all my recording software. I will be able to use it to write and blog more, and be more creative in general.

I really had committed to doing more creative work earlier this year, but I somehow let life get in the way again. I’m still not doing what I really want to do in that respect, though I did come up with a good song idea for Chandler And The Bings that we should be adding to our show soon. It’s just going to take some vocal work and “Bingsification” to really make it special, but it’s got GREAT potential. I’ll have to be satisfied with that for now.

As for my Bings, we’re kicking every type of ass. We just did a benefit last night for hurricane victims where we raised a small pile of money, and it was a really fun show. Listening to my live recording of the show, it’s not as musically “there” as a lot of other bands I’ve done, but it is more energetic and fun, and the crowd is loving every minute.

The one thing that’s truly been nagging at me musically is not playing any shows where I’m doing most of the singing. I really didn’t think I’d miss it as much as I do. I like being bass guy, harmony guy, and once-in-a-while lead vocalist for the Bings, but it’s kind of weird how much of a hole the lack of lead singing leaves just mostly being an instrumentalist.

Anyway, that’s the update from here. Peace be the journey and #leadwithlove!

The Dangerfields, Solo shows, keyboard, fitness, etc.

The Dangerfields, Solo shows, keyboard, fitness, etc.


The Dangerfields are still in progress, and we’ve played one more show since my last post. Okay, that’s not really accurate, because it’s not The Dangerfields, really if Lee isn’t playing drums. But it was a nice try, although an overally unpleasant experience for a variety of reasons. (Kudos to Ernie for filling in and doing a good job) We’ve had a couple of rehearsals since then and the last one was very inspiring – we’re starting to sound like a BAND – which is really good. Finding time to schedule shows around our lives and Lee’s other band is the next trick, but we’ll get to that. So life is good in the world of no respect. 🙂

I booked a few more solo shows at Scoreboard, and I’m very excited to be back there. I’m going to try and make my PA and light rig even more simple for easier setup-teardown, which is a delightful challenge.

I bought a Korg X50 synth at a pawn shop, and it’s already inspiring me with its sounds. I’m excited to become a better keyboardist, and I might even learn some songs on it for the solo gigs. Wouldn’t that be weird?

Finally, I’m back at the gym on a regular basis. Time to get in shape and stay in shape. It’s already making my joints feel better, and once I’ve worked out a way to eat better with my weird sensory food issues on top of the regular gym activity, I’ll get lighter and will be able to start exercising a little harder.

I have been inspired to improve my overall musicianship, but I also really want to tap into whatever emotions are flowing through me now. I’m very happy with my life in general – my work is pleasant, my home situation is awesome, and I feel very loved. And that sort of peace usually keeps me from being all that expressive with music – I just don’t write all that much. I have had some serious moments of worry and pain, though, with family far away, first from Hurricane Matthew (everyone is okay, but it was scary), and then through a friend’s loss this past weekend.

One of my best friends in the world, both musically and non-musically, just lost his brother. I can’t really imagine the emotions he’s feeling, but it’s made me very, very sad, because his brother was always such an encouraging spirit, supporting our musical endeavors and really just showing us “the love”. If I ever had to do a crying scene in a movie, I’d think about losing one of my brothers – the very idea is that level of pain for me, and I wish there was something I could do to help my friend through this horrible time.

I wish there was a way to express it as well as I think Neil Peart and Rush did on this song:

The world will miss you, Darin.

Peace be the journey, all!

July Update – Solo shows and new band

July Update – Solo shows and new band

So my updates apparently are coming every three months or so now. Time to stop thinking it’s going to be more frequent and accept that I sort of suck at this “regular blogging thing”.

I’ve been playing some great solo shows at a new venue (to me) called “Scoreboard”. I have a lot of fun there. I also just played my first show at Quinns in Round Rock. That was delightful and I kind of killed it, which made me feel like I’m getting good at this solo thing.

The new trio that’s starting up is still in progress, though we grow ever closer to gigs. We haven’t settled on a name for it yet, but it’s definitely been fun putting it together. Once we pick a name we’ll book some shows and force this thing into being. I thought it’d be funny to call it “Roman Candle” since that was the most common mistake people made with “Roman Holiday”, and this is essentially the same stuff (though it will get different as time passes).

On the creative front, well, that’s just stalled. I’m not feeling very inspired, so I’m not writing, but I have been playing some of my existing originals live, and they’ve gotten a good response, so that makes me feel good.

Next show is at Scoreboard on July 9th (this Saturday), and then a break for about a month. Maybe we can use that time for whipping the new band into shape and getting it some gigs. Here’s hoping!

Thanks for reading, and let me know if you have any good band name ideas you’d like to share. We’re not excited about much of anything we’ve thought of so far.

Peace be the journey!

So the progress continues…

So the progress continues…

Last night I was able to work up most of my song called “Miserable Bastard” into a full-band arrangement. The bass parts and vocals are just scratch versions at this point and everything needs more work (I want to compose a better bass part that has some more “movement”), but I’m satisfied with how things are progressing.

There’s another song I just wrote (a couple of days after “Way Too Long Of A While”) that I’m still working on, and that one might be next to be recorded…but there are others I still want to finish or rework, so who knows.

I’m just happy I’m getting things together for once. Now I have to get some acoustic gigs and get a new power trio together with Lee (Roman Holiday bandmate/drummer). I miss fronting an actual band.

Thanks for keeping up and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all have a prosperous and wonderful 2016.

So I played two shows and then…

So I played two shows and then…


Now, things are looking really good for getting back in there (I’m literally texting with the booking agent in between typing sentences here), but it’s still frustrating because I really wanted to make this a very regular thing – at least once a month, preferably two or three times. It’s SO MUCH FUN and the extra cash is very helpful. 🙂

On other fronts, I’m trying to work out scheduling to sing some backing vocals for my friend’s first album, which is terrifying and exciting all rolled into one. I don’t consider myself much of a singer, which is probably silly, since I’ve been doing it in front of people for money on a regular basis now for 16 years, but it’s the fact that I’m not properly trained that keeps me from feeling good about my singing. I know I could be better. I even want to take lessons. Financially that hasn’t been an option.

I did get a promotion at the day job, which is nice, since it came with some extra scratch, which will make the solo gig money even more spendable. Perhaps on things like vocal lessons. 🙂

I’ve stalled at creating new music…but I am definitely feeling like it’s time to record some stuff. My main recording computer cooked a power supply last weekend, and fortunately that’s all that cooked, so after a $30 replacement it’s back up and running, but it scared me. I’m a creative person that hasn’t been creating, and that makes me feel like a fraud. I need to DO SOME SHIT. So I will.

And hopefully it’ll be worthy of posting here in Bloggington.

Peace, love, and good happiness stuff…



I FINALLY DID IT! I played a solo show this past Saturday. I’m quite excited about it. I had a pile of people come see me, and I recorded the whole thing on cruddy video (but good audio), so I will be posting clips here at some point. I played a broad mix of pop and rock stuff and it was very well-received by the audience. The owners of the place I played were very happy and said I did a great job. So, does this mean it’s going to happen on a regular basis now? I certainly hope so. Time to go build a website for this new endeavor…

I’ll write more later. I’m just excited.

So I’ve been absent for a long time, and there’s a decent reason…

So I’ve been absent for a long time, and there’s a decent reason…

I got divorced.

Yup. Your faithful servant is now The SINGLE Musical Schizo. No worries, though, it’s very amicable and the ex and I get along splendidly. One of the things that this might actually open up is that I’ll have a little bit more time to focus on musical pursuits, but so far I haven’t really done that. In fact, I haven’t played a show since October. It’s driving me CRAZY! The good news is that I have a show on February 12th (Stompin’ Grounds Grill on Anderson Mill Rd in Austin), so that little drought will come to an end.

Speaking of droughts, I haven’t written a song in a terribly long time. The emotions of what I’ve been through the past couple of years are way too intense to try and turn into art just yet, but I’m hoping with a little perspective and distance that it will give me some good material.

One thing that is interesting to me is the concept of being a gigging performer that isn’t married. I’ve never experienced that. I’m wondering what sort of extracurricular fun that will bring. I’m not one of those musicians who started playing to impress girls – in fact, I’ve never understood that, because I’ve always done music for music – but there’s a distinct possibility that girls, or better yet, women, will be impressed with my musical performance. I already look more the part of “the guy in the band” now that I’ve grown out my hair (It’s almost as long as it’s ever been, actually), so that might bring some fodder for future blog posts, too.

I’m going to be a better, more consistent blogger this year, and really turn this into a place for good commentary and perspective on music from a part-time professional musician.

Thanks for everything, and peace be the journey!