Museday Mumblings (Vol. 63): Life Choices and Balance

Museday Mumblings (Vol. 63): Life Choices and Balance

I mentioned a few months back how excited I was to be starting this new project called Yacht Z with my eager and wonderful friend and a real murderer’s row of talent to play the great Yacht Rock songs better than anyone out there. I worked really hard at first, making time as I could, then stuff happened during July and August that really slowed my progress, and I just never felt like I had enough time to get things together at the level that was expected. I even blogged about the lack of time. Well, it never got better, and I came to the realization that there was basically no room left in my life for me to be a properly-contributing member of the band.

It crushes me that I can’t do it, because I really love these musicians and want to play with them, but I have to respect my limited time with my family and my responsibilities. I really hope my departure doesn’t completely derail the project, because I still believe in the concept and will be their biggest fan. It just doesn’t fit with my life right now. Toddler + Day Job + Wanting A Happy Marriage are all more important. And I know I’m making the right choice. But I’m really sorry that we all devoted all that time and energy to the project and I had to bail on them. I hope it doesn’t go to waste and they find someone brilliant to replace me.

Striking a proper balance between work and family is hard for everyone. In the world we’ve entered because of the pandemic, a lot of us are working from home now, too, and man does that really blur the lines and make life all smeary. It’s too easy to start taking on work responsibilities during non-work hours. I like working from home, mostly, but I do find it really isolating and odd. I never considered myself to be particularly extroverted. I fake it well from growing up “the new kid” every two or so years from 5 to 18, and generally being a ham seeking others’ approval and trying to make them smile, but it’s very draining, actually, which definitely indicates I’m more introverted than extroverted. But I still feel like I need a little camaraderie.

Had a really fun show at Speakeasy with the Chandler and The Bings boys, and then Saturday evening, BRIAN V. RETURNED…to play to his daughter, his friend, and his other friend, and then a few people who showed up five minutes before the end of the show (so he extended it another half-hour – worth it for the amazing tips…).

It wasn’t particularly well-attended (UT football game was happening at the same time) but it was FUN and my voice held up super well. Here’s a little footage of that from my YouTube channel (GO SUBSCRIBE AND RING THAT BELL SO YOU’LL BE NOTIFIED WHEN I POST NEW VIDEOS)…

Brian V. at 360 UNO – A Couple of Songs for Erin

And speaking of the YouTubes, here are a few musical things I enjoyed this week on that wonderful platform:

Walter Ino’s YouTube Channel – based on the songs he covers on his channel, I feel like we have quite a lot in common musically. AND I didn’t even realize it until I saw a couple of familiar faces in his videos, but he’s in a band with an old internet pal of mine, August Zadra, called Waiting For Monday – they released their debut in 2019 and it’s like arena rock for a new age. If you like the Journey-Boston-Foreigner-Styx era of radio rock, you’ll almost certainly love that band.

Phil X visiting Rick Beato (with Rhett Shull hanging out as well) – just a silly but kind of informative video of Phil showing some crazy Bouzouki licks he’s adapted to guitar, and some other neat stuff. It’s fun watching Rick and Rhett react to Phil’s shredding.

METAL – speaks for itself. (HAHAHA)

Thanks for reading and take care of yourselves and the people around you. It’s been a haul and we all deserve some kindness. Sorry again to Heath, David, Chris, and Matt – I hope it works out where we get to play together at some point when I have proper time to devote to it.

Love y’all…

Peace be the journey!

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